Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

The Song of Boycott

Faraz Maqsood Hamidi pens a poem in solidarity with the ongoing boycott.
Updated 29 Aug, 2024 12:21pm

In a desecrated part of town, under the rubble of shattered dreams, a displaced piece of concrete had the semblance of a poem scratched on it.

It spoke of the value of resistance and its power to bring about change, challenge injustices, and uphold principles of ethics and morality. Resistance can take many forms, from peaceful protests and civil disobedience to boycotts and advocacy efforts. By resisting oppressive systems, unethical practices and harmful ideologies, individuals and communities can stand up for what is right and work towards a more just and equitable society.

Resistance serves as a tool for empowerment, giving a voice to those who are marginalised or oppressed. It can inspire others to join in solidarity and create a collective force for positive transformation.

Through resistance, individuals can exercise their choice and hold institutions and powerful entities accountable for their actions, demanding transparency, fairness, and accountability – all by way of speaking truth to power.

Moreover, resistance fosters resilience and courage in the face of adversity. By resisting destructive forces and standing up for one’s beliefs, individuals can build a sense of purpose and agency, reclaiming their power to make a difference in a world built on principles of justice and respect for all.

When it achieves its goals, it surprisingly rhymes…

In a world where global brands hold sway,
Some deserve a call out for leading us astray.
But if their ethics and values reach for abuse,
Boycott that brand, it stands accused.

Misinformation is a letdown for all,
So boycott the brand until it heeds the call
For transparency – and to uncloud their ways:
Boycott that brand, until they save face.

Puppeteering for harm is a stain on their name.
Boycott the brand, so they decolour the blame
For unfair pricing, greed and waste –
Boycott the brand, until they change pace.

Throwing customer priorities aside?
Boycott the brand: they must turn the tide
Until diversity and inclusion are in sight,
Boycott the brand, see that they face the light.

Animal cruelty, environmental despair,
Boycott the brand, don’t let them get away.
Support for regimes, both oppressive and dark,
Boycott the brand, till they’ve disembarked.

Irresponsibility with public commissions?
Boycott the brand, demand submission.
Building together is a consumer right:
Boycott the brand, fight the good fight.

In unity and strength, let voices be heard,
Boycott the brand, let truth be stirred.
For a world where rights with might align,
Boycott the brand, until they realign.

If standards appear muddled, unclear,
Boycott the brand, send a message that steers
The values that help humanity set sail:
Boycott the brand, so justice prevails.

– Anonymous

Faraz Maqsood Hamidi is Chief Creative Officer and CEO, The D’Hamidi Partnership, a worldwide partner agency of WPI.