Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising


Faraz Maqsood Hamidi compares agriculture with advertising.
Published 10 May, 2024 12:55pm

I asked some guys back at the agency to make some notes comparing agriculture with advertising. Here are some of the uncensored ones.

1. Sow the seeds of persuasion: Both industries require strategic planning to be successful. Farmers need to plan their crops, harvest times and land management. Marketers need to plan for their brand’s continued sustainability.

2. Find a needle in a haystack: Both rely on creativity and innovation. Farmers innovate with new techniques, crop varieties and equipment. Agencies market their creative acumen to decimate clutter.

3. Let’s predict the weather? Both require an understanding of consumer behaviour and market demands. Sometimes the predictions are accurate. Most of the time, the predictions are near-misses.

4. What’s crawling out of the woodwork? Both are challenged by external factors. Agriculture is vulnerable to climatic conditions, pests and market fluctuations. Advertising is impacted by economic trends, competition and changes in consumer behaviour.

5. Stand out in the field: Both involve branding and reputation management. Farmers build a brand around their products. Advertisers work to establish and maintain brands for their clients through branding strategies and campaigns.

6. Herd the cattle: Both are dependent on effective communication. Farmers need to communicate with suppliers, buyers and the community. Advertisers must effectively shepherd their audience.

7. Investment is fertiliser: Both invest in technology and research. Farmers invest to improve crop yields and efficiency. Advertisers invest in digital tools and data analytics to enhance campaign and performance marketing.

8. Feed the world: Both have a global impact. Agriculture ensures global production, logistics and delivery, and food security. Advertising borrows from and influences trends worldwide.

9. Partnership is a well-oiled tractor: Both rely on partnerships and collaborations. Farmers work with suppliers, distributors, and agricultural organisations. Advertisers partner with agencies, media, activators and influencers to generate reach.

10. Big Brother is watching: Both are influenced by government regulations and policies. Farmers must comply with regulations and environmental policies. Advertisers must uphold industry standards and bylaws.

11. Plant new crops to reap rewards: Both adapt to change. Farmers adopt new farming practices and technologies to stay competitive. Advertisers embrace emerging market and marketing trends and platforms to stay relevant.

12. Look for the purple cow: Both leverage market research and analysis. Farmers conduct research to identify demand and supply. Advertisers crunch consumer data to locate the golden insight that will take their brand into the future.

13. Harvest the fruits of your labour: Both are impacted by seasonality. Agriculture has planting and harvesting seasons. Advertising is challenged by peak seasons for certain products or services (including certain depressions and recessions).

14. Feed on feedback: Both rely on customer feedback and satisfaction. Farmers listen to customers on how to improve their products. Advertisers use feedback to optimise messages and messaging.

15. Water down the risk: Both embrace risk management strategies. Farmers manage risks related to weather, pests, and market volatility. Advertisers assess the risks associated with campaign performance and consumer response.

16. Two peas in a pod: When it comes to economic growth, agriculture creates jobs and produces essential goods and commodities. Advertising drives consumer spending and economic growth by battling it out on the supermarket shelf.

17. Rooted in ethics: Both value sustainability and ethical practices. Farmers practise sustainable agriculture to protect the environment. Advertisers promote ethical advertising practices and social responsibility.

18. Spin a yarn: Both involve storytelling. Farmers share stories about their provenance, products and farming legacy. Advertisers craft narratives to engage and connect with their audience emotionally.

19. Cream of the crop: Both focus on quality and differentiation. Farmers strive for high-quality produce to stand out and win. Advertisers commission unique and powerful campaigns to differentiate themselves from competitors.

20. Cultural dishes: Both shape society and culture. Agriculture provides food security and sustenance; advertising influences social behaviour, trends, and perceptions across society.

Faraz Maqsood Hamidi is Chief Creative Officer & CEO, The D’Hamidi Partnership, a worldwide partner agency of WPI.