Top 5 Stereotype Busters of 2018
Published in Nov-Dec 2018
1. Palau Pledge – Palau Legacy Project

In a campaign that shattered the stereotype of media buys, the incredible design used a medium never before used to communicate environmental awareness: a passport page. To enter Palau now, you must sign a stamped entry declaration on your passport that you will protect the island nation.
2. Follow The Arches – McDonald’s

What’s that? You want to show your logo? In full? Pphhsshhh, it’s 2018, and that’s a stereotype worth busting. Here’s how McDonald’s Canada did it by cropping the iconically curvy Golden Arches to direct people to the nearest McDonald’s restaurant using directional billboards. Clever, effective and the hallmark of a brave brand.
3. Bloodnormal – Bodyform

Shattering all the stereotypes around menstruation, this amazing campaign from BBDO asks a very important question: Why don’t we treat periods as something normal instead of something horrible? Yes, they actually made floaties in the shape of pads.
4. Carling Black Label – Soccer Song for Change

Breaking down the stereotype of the woman who remains quiet while abused, women in South Africa showed up at a soccer game and changed the club’s anthem to remind men that they are not men if they beat women.
5. Bridal Uniform — UN Women

To make effective communication, you need to effectively find new ways of reaching people. Breaking the stereotype of the everyday bride, this campaign managed to hijack the Bridal Couture Week to launch the most disturbing of all bridal outfits: a school uniform.
Ali Rez is Regional Creative Director for Middle East & Pakistan, BBDO.
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