Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

How to Revive Pakistan’s Great Advertising Legacy

Ad Mad Dude lists 15 key insights for a creative renaissance.
Updated 16 Jan, 2024 02:39pm

Remember when Pakistan’s advertising game wasn’t just good but straight-up legendary? Let’s take it back, way back to 25 years ago, when Supreme Ishq (1999) wasn’t just another ad, but the very heartbeat of a nation. Gulls and Guys (1999)? Man, that wasn’t just content; it was a masterclass in branded entertainment. And, y’all remember when Pepsi’s Battle of the Bands in 2002 dropped? That wasn’t just a mic drop moment; it was a whole stage crash! Might as well have been the last time our work had some soul before… uh, we kinda sorta… hit a speed bump. Hard. We’ve been in a free fall ever since.

But then, somewhere along the line, we did a major goof. Instead of coming up with fresh, piping hot ideas, we decided to reheat the nineties leftovers, kinda like those Bollywood remixes. You know, where they take an iconic song and toss in a misplaced beat drop? Yup, that was us – making ad remixes no one grooved to.

When nostalgia wasn’t doing the trick, YouTube turned into our ‘inspiration’ treasure chest. Award-winning commercials? Great Indian ads? A few clicks, a little ‘inspiration’ and voilà, a brand new ‘original’ campaign.

But enough of the past. We have got a future to shape. We have been at the top; we know the view. So, why not climb again? For those of you ready to lead the charge and shape the next 25 years, roll up those sleeves. ‘Cos when Pakistan gets its groove back, the world won’t even see it coming! Let’s light this candle!

Here are 15 suggestions for the next quarter of the century to make up for the lost time:

1. Back to the briefs: Oh, the elusive client brief, a myth in some advertising circles, treated often as optional rather than essential. Urge clients to pen down their challenges, their hopes and dreams for the brand in a document. Yes, it’s called a brief. How? By fostering a culture where agencies and clients jive in a rhythm of transparency and trust. Why? Because a well articulated brief is the first step to a campaign that is not a shot in the dark, but a calculated, creative stride towards brand glory. Without it, we are just sinking in the wild wilderness of whims.

2. Research, not assumptions: Ah, assumptions, the fast food of the advertising world – quick, easy and utterly unsatisfying in the long run. We have been playing the guessing game, treating assumptions like facts, and wondering why our campaigns fall flat. Now, let’s flirt with a radical idea – research. Yes, diving into the sweet chaos of data, swimming through the rivers of consumer insights, and arriving on the shores of understanding with a treasure chest of actionable intel. Why? Because assumptions are the one-night stands of advertising, thrilling but fleeting. Research, on the other hand, is the committed relationship that keeps on giving, the foundation for campaigns that not only sparkle but also endure.

3. Content is king, context is kingdom: Content might wear the crown, but without the right setting, it’s like a lion roaring in a library – out of place and, frankly, confusing. You can craft the most epic tale, but if it’s told at the wrong time or place, it’s just background noise. Context gives your content its palace, its audience, its moment in the sun. Make sure they always go hand in hand, or your King-e-Azam may just end up ruling an empty room. IYKWIM (If you know what I mean).

4. Digital, not dull: Hey marketers, advertisers, creatives, brand managers, and their fathers… Here’s a reality check: slapping your TVC onto Facebook, sprinkling some budget for boosting, and then masquerading it as a ‘digital video campaign’ isn’t being digitally savvy. That’s like repackaging yesterday’s leftovers and calling it gourmet. Digital is more than just re purposed content; it’s about harnessing the power of technology, creating interactive experiences and understanding the nuances of online consumer behaviour. Digital isn’t just a platform; it’s a mindset. So, let’s dive deeper than surface-level tactics and embrace the true essence of digital, where tech and creativity intertwine.

5. Quality over quantity: Alright, listen up, brands! Drowning your audience in a sea of content doesn’t make you the Picasso of advertising. It’s not about how much you say, but how well you say it. Instead of churning out posts like a factory conveyor belt, maybe focus on crafting that one message that resonates; that sticks. And for heaven’s sake, stop treating content like it’s a contest of who can shout the loudest. Depth trumps volume every time. So, prioritise substance, and maybe, just maybe, your brand won’t get lost in the overwhelming digital noise.

6. Ad-masters, not ad mongers: Behold the ad mongers, glorified salesmen with a knack for making the extraordinary look ordinary. They churn out ads like a factory line, where creativity is a rare find. Basically, our top three agencies. Now, let’s talk about the ad masters, the wizards who see a canvas where others see a checklist. How? By treating each campaign as a masterpiece in the making, not just a sales pitch. And why? Because ad masters don’t just sell; they tell tales that sell themselves. They don’t chase consumers; they make the brand a destination. And we have none of those. Yet.

7. Regulation, not strangulation: Ever felt like creativity is being squeezed tighter than a tube of toothpaste at its end? This is what over regulation does. Instead of fostering groundbreaking ideas, we are stuck doing the safety dance to avoid stepping on regulatory toes. But here’s the kicker: much of this regulation is self-inflicted, driven by the assumption that consumers are too naive or radical. It’s like we are handing out training wheels to marathon runners. True, we need guidelines, but let’s not self-impose chains based on dated assumptions. It’s time we give our audience the credit they deserve and let creativity take its rightful, expansive flight.

8. Respect the consumer, not just their wallet: Oh, the classic chase of the consumer’s wallet, often forgetting there is a discerning human attached to it. Value the consumer beyond just dollar signs. How? By creating campaigns that speak to their intellect, humour, and values, not just their purchasing power. Why? Because when we respect the consumer, we earn not just their money, but their loyalty. In the grand marketplace, respect is the currency that accrues the highest interest.

9. Create, don’t imitate: In a world full of copycats, be the wild cheetah. Break free from the chains of imitation. We all know that one chor of the industry… but trust me there is more than one. They can’t be the future; they are the dark ugly past… leave them there. How? By fostering a culture of originality and innovation. Why? Because cookie-cutter campaigns are the lullabies that put consumer interest to sleep. When we create, we captivate, turning every campaign into a riveting narrative that keeps consumers on the edge of their seats, hungry for what’s next.

10. Collaborate, don’t dictate: In the ad world, everyone’s got a vibe – from the newbie to the old guard. But there is always that one insecure boss, acting like he’s holding the only golden ticket to Creativity Land. Newsflash: just because you have tenure doesn’t mean you have cornered the market on ideas. Time to share the stage, big guy. Your insecurities? They are showing. And trust me, they are not a good look. Let others shine, too. We have all got hits to drop. Why? Because diversity of thought isn’t just trendy – it’s the lifeblood of groundbreaking, memorable campaigns. When more voices join the chorus, the song is undeniably richer.

11. Learn, unlearn, relearn: “Learn, unlearn, relearn” is perhaps the only formula that separates leaders from the followers. Picture this: today’s groundbreaking strategy may be as outdated as yesterday’s fashion trend tomorrow. So, we immerse ourselves in the new, absorb it, then get ready to let it go when the winds change. This isn’t about merely hopping on every new trend but discerning which waves are worth riding. Why this trio? Because the ad world is a stage where yesterday’s encore can be today’s exit music. To stay in the limelight, you have to be fluid, ever-evolving, and always on your toes.

12. Work for the brand, not the client (or the boss): It’s easy to fall into the trap of being a ‘yes man’ to every client’s whim, but let’s remember that the brand’s legacy lasts longer than any tenure. While appeasing the client may win you a brief pat on the back, championing the brand’s essence can carve its name in the annals of advertising history. So, the next time you are tempted to nod along with a client’s fleeting fancy, ask yourself: is this what is best for the brand? If not, muster the courage to steer the ship in the right direction. After all, brands need heroes, not just employees.

13. Fail, but with flair: In the hallowed halls of marketing, there is a looming ghost – the fear of failure. This apprehension often pushes brand managers to tread the worn path, opting for the ‘safe bet’ rather than venturing into the unknown. The mindset? If it works “I’m a genius!”; if it flops “Well, the agency suggested it, didn’t they? The boss approved it.” True brand growth, however, is fuelled by those audacious few who challenge the norm. It’s these brave souls, who declare, “We’re trying this, and if it nosedives, I’ll own it,” that rewrite advertising history. So, let’s champion bravery over blame and cultivate a culture where we fail forward, but always with flair.

14. Transparent transactions: In the bustling bazaars of Pakistan’s advertising landscape, there is an open secret: the murky game of kickbacks and under-the-table deals. It’s like we have traded our moral compass for a quick buck or a glitzy foreign shoot. But here’s the deal breaker: every time we indulge in these shady transactions, we are not just short-changing ourselves, but the entire industry’s reputation. Transparency is not just about being righteous; it’s about sustainability. In an era where trust is gold, let’s not pawn it for temporary perks. It’s time to clean the slate and lead with clarity, integrity, and, yes, transparent transactions.

15. Passion over pension: In the advertising trenches of Pakistan, if your eyes are sparkling at the thought of a fat pay cheque instead of that killer campaign idea, you have lost the plot. Let’s level: this industry is not for those dreaming of luxurious villas and multiple Bahria Town plots. It demands a fiery passion, not a lust for hefty pensions. If you are here just for the money, mate, you are in the wrong gig. Think about flipping properties instead. True advertising souls are driven by the thrill of the craft, not the cha-ching of the cash register. Commit to the cause or consider a career switch.

Ad Mad Dude runs the eponymous Facebook page.