Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Tyrone Tellis

The Apple of My Eye

The Apple of My Eye

Is Taylor Swift the Apple of the music industry? Updated 26 Apr, 2024 04:52pm
AI and the Nightingale

AI and the Nightingale

Is AI advertising’s shiny new toy? Tyrone Tellis poses the question. Published 18 Jul, 2023 11:46am
Perfectly Imperfect

Perfectly Imperfect

Brands in Pakistan need to wisen up to the fact that perfection has lost its allure. Published 18 Oct, 2022 11:40am
Mind the Gap 

Mind the Gap 

Are companies expecting too much from their employees and not enough from themselves? Tyrone Tellis poses the question. Published 21 Oct, 2021 11:41am
Do You Fight Or Do You Fawn?

Do You Fight Or Do You Fawn?

Inhibiting creativity are deep rooted fears compounded by toxicity in the workplace, argues Tyrone Tellis. Published 05 Mar, 2021 04:00pm
Soldiers Like Flowers

Soldiers Like Flowers

From 'The Candy Jar: Good Ideas to Chew On' – a new online series. Published 03 Dec, 2020 03:41pm
Ticking to the Chimes of TikTok

Ticking to the Chimes of TikTok

Why are Pakistani brands ignoring the obvious benefits of using TikTok as a marketing platform, asks Tyrone Tellis. Updated 24 Jun, 2020 03:11pm
Men matter too!

Men matter too!

Why are Pakistani ads filled with stereotypical men? Published 19 Nov, 2018 02:25pm
Sowing the seeds

Sowing the seeds

Do Pakistani companies have the right components in place to bring their CSR projects to fruition? Published 01 Nov, 2018 04:31pm
Get out of the city

Get out of the city

What happens when rural consumers don’t buy a city mindset. Published 02 Oct, 2018 10:15am
Taboo or not taboo?

Taboo or not taboo?

The challenges of advertising taboo products in Pakistan. Published 06 Jul, 2018 01:22pm
How to become world-class?

How to become world-class?

Creativity or innovation is made up of one percent inspiration and 99% perspiration. Published 08 Jun, 2018 11:57am
‘Pul ’ vs Pull

Pul ’ vs Pull

Restaurants in Karachi are expanding into areas on the ‘other side of the bridge’. What can marketers learn from this? Updated 05 Jun, 2018 12:30pm
Fan power

Fan power

Brands should rope in sports fans that are miles ahead of agencies and brand teams in creativity. Updated 30 May, 2018 11:07am
Finding Pakistaniat

Finding Pakistaniat

Tyrone Tellis on giving Pakistani advertising a distinct identity. Updated 26 Dec, 2017 04:21pm
Learning from the master

Learning from the master

Tyrone Tellis recounts his experiences of attending a Master Class held by Hando Sinisalu. Updated 08 Dec, 2017 03:27pm
Branding Pakistan

Branding Pakistan

Can branding London’s double-decker buses change the global negative perception of Pakistan? Updated 19 Jul, 2017 03:08pm
The naked truth

The naked truth

Why objectifying men in advertising is equally distasteful and harmful as objectifying women. Updated 21 Apr, 2017 10:14am
Marketing is much like comedy

Marketing is much like comedy

In the long run whether you’re a comedian or a marketer, if you lack substance, you’ll be relegated to the sidelines. Updated 30 Nov, 2017 04:54pm