Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising


Rethinking B2B

Rethinking B2B

Whether B2B or B2C, the target audience is tasked with making a decision – a commonality that should not be ignored. Published 22 Mar, 2022 12:32pm
Have Ads Lost Their Mojo?

Have Ads Lost Their Mojo?

From the insipid to the utterly infuriating, ads are failing to connect with audiences. Published 02 Feb, 2022 11:28am
Boosting Agency Morale

Boosting Agency Morale

Covid has been a further stress point for ad agencies already beleaguered by change and disruption. But what about the people? Published 25 Jan, 2022 12:26pm
The Others

The Others

Enabling people from different disciplines to enter the creative space can do wonders for all involved, writes Ali Rez. Published 10 Jan, 2022 02:13pm
No Money. No Honey.

No Money. No Honey.

Advertising agencies must come to terms and adapt to a penny-pinching post-pandemic world, argues Taimur Tajik. Published 07 Jan, 2022 11:53am
I Hate Ads!

I Hate Ads!

"Bring life to concepts by putting them under a big idea and letting them fly." Updated 29 Dec, 2021 10:45am
The Perils of the Follow-Up Silence

The Perils of the Follow-Up Silence

Paying close attention to the post-post conversation can help brands build strong communities, writes Kiran Zahid. Published 29 Jun, 2021 02:05pm
So You’re in Marketing?

So You’re in Marketing?

What it takes to be a marketer in today’s evolved marketing landscape. Published 24 Jun, 2021 05:07pm
The Value of Trust

The Value of Trust

Blockchain may have had a bad press, but it may be key in reinstilling trust in business relationships, argues Khurram Mahboob. Published 25 Jan, 2021 02:48pm
Advertising vs. PR

Advertising vs. PR

Why we distinguish between advertising and public relations. Published 04 Jan, 2021 06:51pm