LU Candi – Khas Mithas

Category: Print/TV
What hit home is the fact that we all have that person in our lives who is willing to go above and beyond for us and much like the people in the ad, we tend to get a little too comfortable with that thought and take advantage of them. I enjoyed how relatable the scenarios in the ad felt and how quickly the storyline was established. It also felt like redemption that the ad pays tribute to the good people in our lives we often overlook.
Agency: Spectrum Y&R

Category: Digital
I am usually not a fan of fashion. The idea of being dictated to about what I should and should not wear escapes me. This feeling trickles down to ads related to the same industry. Most seem forced and others, downright strange. Which is why when I heard the words “be real with me” in this ad, they immediately grabbed my attention. The pace and the quirky storyline not only kept me hooked, it ensured that I watched the video at least five times.
Agency: String Media, Pakistan
Sprite – Pehle Bharkaye Phir Bujhaye
Category: TV
As someone who has exactly the same reaction as the ‘burger’ lady when biting on an unexpected chilli, I could relate to and really enjoy the TVC. Apart from the risk of using (and/or hinting at) bad language and upsetting the censor board, this ad was hilarious. Sometimes that is all it takes for an ad to be brilliant. And I am not going to lie; it was quite refreshing hearing an ‘oh bh@!ns’ on our TV screens.
Agency: Soho Square, Pakistan
Dietz Nuts
Category: TV
Advertisers in Pakistan need to understand that comedy works, but only if it’s done right and the people at RTO+P nailed it. Using a play on words, they were able to introduce a new product line for their client on one of America’s most prestigious advertisement time slots. Plus, the hilarious word play earned my respect.
Agency: Red Tettemer O’Connell + Partners (RTO+P), USA
Vatika Oil – Oil First Then Shampoo
Category: TV
I will be the first to admit it. I am going bald. It’s like my hair just got up one day and said “you’re on your own buddy.” But why did I decide to add the Vatika Oil – Oil First Then Shampoo to my list of favourites? Maybe it was the amazing use of colour or the super catchy jingle or maybe it was a nostalgic flashback to a time when my hair would have made the talent in the video jealous... I just can’t seem to put my finger on it.
Agency: Red Communication Arts, Pakistan
Bud Light/Game of Thrones Superbowl Commercial
Category: TV
Two birds with one stone. Bud Light and HBO got together and produced a single ad. After all, what better way to relax after destroying your enemy’s entire lineage than to sip on a nice cold beverage? This ad made it to my list because it contains two of my favourite things: Firstly, I love funny beer ads and secondly, it had dragons flying around.
Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, US
NDURE – Try Karo Kuch Different
Category: TV
I am a sucker for ads that have a good message behind them. The fact that this TVC promotes the attitude that we should not be afraid of trying something different is one I would like future generations to take to heart. If we think about it, a lot of what we enjoy today would not have been possible, were it not for the people who decided to try something different. This ad is a win in my books.
Agency: Adcom Leo Burnett
1JBR – It’s Not For Everyone, But It Could Be For You
Category: TV
In a market dominated by UAE property giants Damac and EMAAR, it was a challenge to create something that would change the way people think about property in Pakistan. By positioning 1JBR as a project that will not appeal to ‘posers’ and ‘try-hards’, the ad targets people who don’t need flashy stuff to show off their wealth.
Agency: FP7, UAE
Rao Arslan Shahid is Creative Manager, IAL Saatchi & Saatchi.
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