Eight ads with great insight
Published in Jul-Aug 2017
Kenwood – DC Inverter AC
Category: TVC
Shorter duration communications are evolving from elaborate stories to moments, and this Kenwood series perfectly does that. Funny insights (leading to the product role) and excellent casting make these ads quite special.
Agency: Arey Wah, Pakistan
Never Say No To Panda – Panda Cheese
Category: TVC
As children, we were hooked to Tom and Jerry cartoon series because of its predictable humour. We knew what was going to happen next, but we still wanted to see it happen! Using predictable humour, this hilarious series shows a giant panda terrorising anyone who dares to say no to panda cheese.
Agency: Advance Marketing, Egypt
Johnnie Walker – Dear Brother
Category: TVC
If it touches you, it stays with you. A fine example of emotional storytelling with an unexpected twist in the end. It talks about ‘being free’, perfectly coinciding with Johnnie Walker’s ‘Keep Walking’ mantra. It has music to die for too.
Agency: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Heineken – Worlds Apart
Category: TVC
Every so often, brands try to talk about controversial issues that matter to us. However, more often than not, they fail. But not this Heineken communication. This experimental ad puts strangers with opposing opinions in a room and wonderfully brings in the product as the platform for debate and resolution.
Agency: Publicis, UK
Telenor – Rawaan

Category: TVC
A friend of mine is a restless soul and he will not listen to any radio spot while we drive; he keeps jumping from one music track to another. Rawaan was probably the only ad he didn’t object to on the radio. Some brands are clever enough to create brand love by giving consumers what they love.
Agency: Adcom Leo Burnett, Pakistan
Shan Foods – #KhaanaWithParosi
Category: TVC, Digital
Our audiences grow impatient as their attention span shortens. If a communication hooks for three minutes and starts a conversation, it has more than served its purpose.
Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Pakistan
Surf Excel – #NekiEkIbadat

Category: TVC, Digital
Surf Excel has been consistent in its messaging and succeeds in triggering the right kind of emotions every single time. Although the TVC highlights the brand role, the best part is that they did not force-fit the brand in the TVC.
Agency: Lowe Lintas, India
Kit Kat Talcum Powder
Category: TVC
It is hilarious – and based on characters we have seen around. It sells.
Agency: Hassan Studio 1, Pakistan
Daniyal Malik is Creative Director, Ogilvy & Mather Pakistan.
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