Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Coke Studio

To Boycott or Not to Boycott?

To Boycott or Not to Boycott?

The question is: to what extent will Pakistan’s economy and socio-economic well-being be affected? Sami Qahar comments. Published 15 Jul, 2024 11:15am
A Pop Culture Without Brands

A Pop Culture Without Brands

Our brand communication is failing to make it into the annals of Pakistani pop culture. Published 14 Jan, 2023 11:13am
Coke Studio 2020

Coke Studio 2020

Sadia Kamran on what Coke Studio 2020 entailed. Published 14 Jan, 2021 04:08pm
Musically intolerant?

Musically intolerant?

Is the Ko Ko Korina controversy a storm in a teacup, or does it reflect how passionate Pakistanis are about their music? Updated 29 Oct, 2018 12:46pm


How much credit can the media campaigns take for the success or failure of the political parties? Updated 20 Aug, 2018 11:35am
Campaign Watch

Campaign Watch

A review of the latest campaigns that centred around celebrating the love for Pakistan. Updated 01 Jan, 2018 09:31am
Singing for their supper

Singing for their supper

Can shows like Coke Studio and Pepsi Battle of the Bands profit the music industry without compromising on quality? Published 22 Aug, 2017 03:23pm
When content meets marketing

When content meets marketing

Brand managers need to take advantage of content marketing if they want to create lasting brand recall. Published 17 Sep, 2016 10:22am