Aurora Magazine

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Agriculture in Pakistan

Just Saying

Just Saying

Aurora's editorial from the March-April 2024 issue. Published 10 May, 2024 11:36am
Understanding What We Eat

Understanding What We Eat

Tamoor Mir makes the case about why the agri sector needs to leverage the power of advertising to highlight its potential and benefits. Updated 16 May, 2024 11:17am
The Kachelo Mission

The Kachelo Mission

Sadia Kamran reports on the efforts made by Kachelo Fruit Farms to bring A-grade quality produce to Pakistan’s domestic market. Updated 15 May, 2024 03:54pm
Agriculture’s Weakest Link

Agriculture’s Weakest Link

Despite past successes, Pakistan’s R&I system needs a deep revamp if agriculture is to overcome the challenges of the future, argues Dr Mubarik Ali. Published 06 May, 2024 12:44pm
Biting the Growth Bullet

Biting the Growth Bullet

Despite agriculture remaining crucial to Pakistan’s economic progress, governments are still not giving the sector the attention it deserves, argues S.H. Irtiza Kazmi. Updated 22 May, 2024 03:42pm
A New Look at Agriculture

A New Look at Agriculture

To progress effectively, agricultural practices need to adopt new frameworks and, most of all, new mindsets. Shoaib Siddiqui has a few ideas. Published 06 May, 2024 12:41pm
Incentivising Agri-Financing

Incentivising Agri-Financing

Data and digitisation are creating conditions conducive to agricultural financing, writes Ammar H. Khan.  Updated 06 May, 2024 05:25pm
Disrupting Agriculture’s Fiscal Model

Disrupting Agriculture’s Fiscal Model

If Pakistan is to ever open up the economic potential of its agricultural sector, it will have to substitute outdated and ineffective financing methods in favour of ‘an enabling capitalist model’, argues Aijaz A. Nizamani. Updated 08 May, 2024 11:28am