Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Medialogic partners with Kantar to improve Peoplemeters

Published in Nov-Dec 2014

Medialogic Pakistan has launched a new and improved TV ratings system.

In October, Medialogic Pakistan launched a new and improved TV ratings system with technology sourced from Kantar Media UK. Salman Danish Naseer, CEO, Medialogic says that with the new ratings, the company has addressed several issues which had been brought up by advertisers and broadcasters. Firstly, the technology has been updated and new ‘Rapid Meters’ from Kantar Media have been put in place. These non-intrusive meters (the TV set doesn’t need to be opened up for installation) work on audio matching and provide a more accurate account of what people are watching as opposed to the previous frequency based meters provided by GfK. Secondly, the size of the ratings panel has been increased – from nine cities and 675 households to 20 cities and over 1000 households. Medialogic has also introduced a new payment methodology for its clients. TV channels have been divided into three categories of small, medium and large (based on their revenue per annum) and will pay between Rs 1.5 to Rs 4.5 a year to Medialogic. For advertisers, who pay a percentage of their annual ad spend, the payment ceiling has been increased to Rs 10 million maximum and they are now paying close to about 0.5% of the total ad spend.