Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Syed Amir Haleem

AI, the Meta Way

AI, the Meta Way

What is Meta AI and how can we use it? Published 23 Apr, 2024 12:02pm
The Top 5 AI Tools of 2023

The Top 5 AI Tools of 2023

Syed Amir Haleem picks his Top 5 AI tools that changed marketing in 2023. Updated 04 Jan, 2024 12:52pm
+92Disrupt 2023: Day 2

+92Disrupt 2023: Day 2

Day 2 unveils marketing insights, tech revolutions, and star-studded panels. Updated 14 Nov, 2023 05:02pm
The Art of Appointing Great Agencies

The Art of Appointing Great Agencies

By squeezing an agency’s ROI, clients are leading both their brands and the profession down the garden path of mediocrity. Published 09 Jun, 2023 03:00pm
Of Cafés and Kaifis

Of Cafés and Kaifis

Why most local brands do not realise the long-term implications bad press has on a brand. Published 07 Mar, 2023 06:28pm
Milking the Cow

Milking the Cow

Syed Amir Haleem on what it takes to develop successful apps. Published 27 Jun, 2021 03:26pm
You Just Got Sold!

You Just Got Sold!

Syed Amir Haleem warns of the dangers posed by the big tech companies. Updated 17 May, 2021 03:42pm
Top 5ives 2020

Top 5ives 2020

Ten marketing/media professionals list down the top five of everything in 2020. Updated 04 Jan, 2023 12:41pm
Happy As A Crazy Cow

Happy As A Crazy Cow

Syed Amir Haleem on why brands are making programmatic advertising an integral part of their media strategy. Published 18 Nov, 2020 02:50pm
Come Dine With Me!

Come Dine With Me!

Which celebrity from the world of advertising, or otherwise, would you invite for dinner? Updated 14 Jun, 2024 05:22pm