Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Julian Saunders

The World in 1998

The World in 1998

Julian Saunders looks back 25 years and concludes that what humans do with an invention is uncontrollable, but that old-fashioned virtues endure, especially when dealing with our customers. Updated 16 Jan, 2024 03:01pm
Duty Matters II

Duty Matters II

In the second part of his article on Brand Duty, Julian Saunders unveils his sustainable manifesto for difficult times. Published 28 Oct, 2023 12:59pm
Duty Matters

Duty Matters

Julian Saunders discusses why brands need to focus on their duty to their customers, rather than touting their purpose. Updated 25 Aug, 2023 11:20am
AI and the Future

AI and the Future

Julian Saunders on how brands should navigate the next few years. Published 07 Jul, 2023 02:05pm
Get On Trend!

Get On Trend!

After reading From Marginal to Mainstream, Julian Saunders thinks future profits will be found in the margins of society. Updated 23 May, 2023 12:50pm
Pitching For Success

Pitching For Success

Pitches are (mostly) an expensive waste of time and the fault is both the agency’s and the client’s. Published 02 Sep, 2022 10:37am