Aurora Magazine

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consumer lifestyles

Redefining Consumer Connections

Redefining Consumer Connections

The evolution of brands into lifestyle experiences is not just a trend; it is a strategic move aimed at reshaping the consumer landscape, writes Asrar Alam. Updated 12 Sep, 2024 11:37am
Can Pakistan Afford Its Consumers?

Can Pakistan Afford Its Consumers?

Be it on or off line, consumers are flocking to buy, but as the economy weakens, how long will it be before the laws of both demand and supply start to spiral? Muna Khan poses the question. Updated 12 Sep, 2024 05:10pm
Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Stuck Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Despite technological advancements and the efforts of forward-facing local companies, the aspirations of most Pakistani consumers are constantly held in check by a country in a state of semi-permanent uncertainty. Updated 12 Jul, 2024 02:44pm