When corporate failures and vigilante deeds collide, online crowds become the judge, jury and myth-makers, writes Alifya Sohail.
Updated17 Mar, 202503:46pm
Alifya Sohail speaks to Umair Masoom, Founder and MD, Myco, about the benefits Myco’s Web3 streaming platform will bring to audiences.
Published04 Feb, 202510:35am
Namra Khalid, Founder, Karachi Cartography, speaks to Alifya Sohail about the critical importance of map making in identifying sustainable solutions for communities most affected by climate change.
Published19 Dec, 202411:55am
Alifya Sohail shares insights from the talk show 'Navigating the Shift in Consumer Behaviour', by the Pakistan Advertising Association.
Updated24 May, 202404:18pm