Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Leisure Club’s ‘Clothing a million smiles’ project

Published in Nov-Dec 2014

The drive, currently operational in 23 cities, aims to recycle one million garments donated by people.

Leisure Club recently conducted a CSR project, ‘Clothing a million smiles” as a part of its ‘Made of Pakistan’ platform. Although this drive is conducted all year around, Leisure Club intensifies it in winter, or in the event of a natural disaster. The drive, currently operational in 23 cities, aims to recycle one million garments donated by people. Leisure Club then washes, sanitises and packages the garments, handing them over to partner NGOs, Asghari Sajjad Educational Trust (ASSET) and Labour & Love. The NGOs resell the clothes at a nominal cost and the funds generated by sales go into running their social projects. “As a clothing brand, it becomes twice as necessary for us to contribute towards the goodwill of the nation vis-à-vis clothing,” says Omer Zaman, Senior Brand Manager, Leisure Club. Leisure Club has also partnered with LOLz Studios to spread the word.