Published 29 Aug, 2024 03:04pm

Campaign Watch

In the ever-evolving advertising world, critique is the secret ingredient that transforms campaigns from good to great. Like a master chef refining a recipe, advertising agencies eagerly await the feedback that will elevate their work to new heights. Exceptional ads are like well-crafted stories, weaving together elements of education, persuasion and brand positioning. Effective communication doesn’t just sell a product; it makes them a trusted companion in their consumer cycle.

Brand: Pepsi

Agency: N/A

Campaign: New Stronger Pepsi xKAMAAAL Taste

Message: Is it the acting or thewonder of the new stronger Pepsi?Try it yourself and find out.

Effectiveness: The “new strongerPepsi” commercial is a mixed bag.It resonates well with elementsof nostalgia that bring the classicPepsi vibes reminiscent of thebrand’s heydays, but there are also some questions about the strategic direction. Thecreative execution is brilliant, cleverly integrating a Pakistani cricketer’s commendable acting skills, thereby reinforcing Pepsi’s longstanding association with cricketand youth culture. The “kamaal taste” message is effectively conveyed through wittyand humorous elements, adding depth to the script. However, the decision to changethe tagline from “Why Not Meri Jaan?” to a different proposition feels like a misstep.Consistency in messaging is crucial, especially when the previous tagline waswell-received and effective.

Verdict: Effective and concise, strong in creative appeal and an engaging call to action.

Brand: Canon House Appliances

Agency: N/A

Campaign: Jaag JaaoPakistan

Message: Kyunkayjo sota hai wo khotahai – because the onewho sleeps loses.

Effectiveness: Thisseries masterfullybalances comictiming, thanks tothe creative team’sthoughtful planning. The copywriting is sharp, particularly in its wordplay of “sota haichota hai” and “jaag jao Pakistan” – two important messages that resonate in thecurrent political climate. The ads are straightforward, although the product placementfeels overly prolonged. While the campaign addresses important functional benefits,it would have been easier to recall those features if presented more creatively. Thedirection is innovative and the script smartly urges the nation to wake up. Ignoringthis now would mean a nation gone to sleep.

Verdict: Direct, simple and sharp. Great concept and execution; the product placement and functionality could have been more creative for better recall.

Brand: SIUT

Agency: In-house

Campaign: Ab Hamari Baari Hae (RamzanCampaign 2024)

Message: It is now our turn to take care of them.

Effectiveness: All the elements come togetherseamlessly in SIUT’s 2024 Ramzan appealTVC to create a deeply moving narrative.At its core, the TVC beautifully captures theessence of the relationship between childrenand their parents as they age and require care.It delicately navigates the emotional journey ofcoming to terms with the changing roles withina family, where children must step up to providethe same care and strength their parents oncegave to them. A profound exploration of love,sacrifice and the circle of life come togetherthrough the beautiful melody and heartfeltlyrics of the background score.

Verdict: A heartfelt tribute to parental care.Emotionally resonant, a compelling narrative andimpactful messaging.

Brand: Tapal Family Mixture

Agency: IAL Saatchi & Saatchi

Campaign: Rishton Mein Hisaab

Message: Meri family, meri strength.

Effectiveness: Tapal Family Mixture’s ‘Rishton Mein Hisaab’ expertly deploys goodacting, nuanced expressions, a poignant script and above all, the kind of directionthat brings it all together and depicts the emotions and understanding that existwithin families. As tea binds with each sip, it subtly reminds us of the care our eldershave invested in relationships. The TVC captures the essence of family bonds whilesubtly promoting the product, making it a compelling piece of advertising. Baghairkahe bas rakho ehsaas.

Verdict: Heartwarming and relatable, playing on the emotional side and creating a bond.

Brand: Xiaomi Pakistan

Agency: In-house

Campaign: Mothers’ Day Advert

Message: Mother’s love, a bond forever.

Effectiveness: In the hues of love andeternal bonds, this TVC paints a vivid pictureof the affection shared over the years by ason and his mother, much like a rainbowgracing our lives with its vibrant colours.The TVC weaves warmth, strength andbeauty into everyday moments throughpoems, visuals, words and a story delicatelyexpressed, while the narration is eloquentand well-paced. I found myself yearning forthe inclusion of Urdu, a language rich in itsability to evoke a profound sense of apnaiyat(belonging).

Verdict: Compelling and evocative, with apotent blend of imagery and narrative thatresonates deeply.

Esen Rizvi is CEO and Creative Director, Creative Rhythms.

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Campaign Watch

Mehreen Arjumand Almas, Director Strategic Planning, Golden Circle, picks her favourite and not-so-favourite recent ad campaigns.