Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Humanising Business Communication

Menin Rodrigues reviews Synergyzer 2003-2023: Executive Doodles by Ahmed Kapadia.
Published 16 Jan, 2025 12:38pm

The world of business communication is undergoing a visual revolution. Gone are the days of dry, text-heavy ads, memos and reports. Enter the era of doodles – simple, yet powerful illustrations that capture attention, convey emotion and connect with audiences on a deeper level. This shift towards visual storytelling transforms how companies in Pakistan interact with employees, customers and partners. Synergyzer has led the way.

Twenty years ago, Synergy Advertising began its journey to revolutionise communication. With the publication of Executive Doodles (2003- 2023), Synergy celebrates more than two decades of innovation, excellence and community impact. Kudos to Ahmed Hussain Kapadia for his vision when he launched the country’s fore-running integrated communications enterprise.

Founded in 1999 as an ambitious start-up, Synergy Advertising has expanded to include multiple companies, evolving into the Synergy Group. Today, it comprises several integrated companies, each specialising in their respective fields of expertise. The Group has established itself as Pakistan’s largest integrated communications enterprise and serves a diverse portfolio, ranging from public and private companies in the local market to global brands.

In his foreword ‘Kudos to Kapadia’, advertising and communications supremo, Javed Jabbar, sums up the publication: “This compendium of 80 Executive Doodles brims with zeal and verve, bounce and speed, to concisely convey sharp observations, provocative opinions, constructive thoughts, pertinent recommendations, and diverse facets of swift changes in the marketing and communication spheres in Pakistan, particularly over the two decades of 2003-2023.”

Milestones symbolise perseverance and commitment, highlighting achievements along the way. There is no better way to capture this journey than by documenting the vision of a forward-thinking, innovative organisation and its leadership. From that perspective, Executive Doodles is a thought-provoking, distinctive and relatable idea that has come of age and has created a memorable brand image for the parent organisation. Who knows, it could be a trendsetting journey of communications excellence hereon.

Synergyzer 2003-2023: Executive Doodles achieves three important objectives. Firstly, archiving the trend-setting marketing and promotional activities of each of its 20-year journey. Secondly, highlighting complex internal and external communications ideas engagingly and creatively. Thirdly, illustrating the organisation’s values, recognising employee contributions and resonating with its audiences.

Kapadia has skillfully bridged the gap between the client’s expectations and the audience’s desire for innovation. By positioning the custodian (in this scenario, the agency) of the brand image as not just a protector but a visionary, Kapadia highlights the balance required to meet the client’s needs for consistency and reputation management. This approach ensures that the brand remains true to its core values while simultaneously pushing the boundaries of creativity to keep the company relevant in a changing market.

Likewise, the author understands the audience’s craving for excitement and change. By aligning the brand’s image with bold, fresh ideas, the doodles captivate readers, offering them the innovation they seek. This dual focus – on brand stewardship and dynamic storytelling – creates a powerful, mutually beneficial relationship between the client and the reader, ensuring that the brand evolves while still meeting the expectations of both sides.

Commenting on his work, Kapadia says: “Reflecting on our times, I hoped to at least influence a breed daring enough to break away from monotony yet cautious enough to clear their path ahead. I have expressed myself in an unreceptive and submissive environment where safe play has prevailed as the order of the day. Unlike drafting editorials as a mere PR tool, I have fearlessly used my writings to give back to the industry and encourage discerning minds to believe in change.”

Synergyzer took the advertising, marketing and media scene in Pakistan by storm when it hit the market in 2003, quickly becoming the talk of clients and agencies alike. It made waves with its bold print presentation and continues to grab attention with its punchy, provocative content and illustrations. While it might look like just another promotional tool, doodles are a powerful platform that elevate the reputations of the companies (clients) it serves and the industry’s top players who make it happen.

I am convinced that doodles are a great way to establish a unique visual identity, differentiated through creative graphics, and the credit for this unique style of driving home a message goes to Synergyzer. It has reinforced its brand identity and given an impetus to the organisation’s storytelling, successes and challenges, both in written and creative forms.

Talking to a seasoned communications expert in the North American market who chooses to remain anonymous, I asked how the use of doodles can impact a campaign. She said: “It is not a bad idea to incorporate doodles into corporate communication, where companies and individuals can create distinctive, relatable, and memorable brand imagery for their organisation and individual pursuits. This can be done by establishing a distinct doodle style, reflecting a genuine company culture or personal trait, considering the audience to which they are targeting, and backing it up with professional illustrations.”

As businesses continue to navigate the complexities of modern communication, doodles offer a refreshing respite from the sea of templated emails and sterile reports. By embracing this creative approach, organisations such as Synergy Advertising can humanise their voice, build meaningful relationships, and leave a lasting impression.

Whether doodles are used to convey complex ideas, celebrate milestones, or add a touch of whimsy, this practice is beginning to redefine the boundaries of business communication in Pakistan. So, here is my take on the Synergyzer innovation: Join the doodles revolution and discover the power of putting humanity back into business.

Synergyzer 2003-2023:
Executive Doodles
By Ahmed Kapadia
Published by Synergy Group
178 pp; $35 (available on Apple Books and Amazon)

Menin Rodrigues is a Toronto-based communications consultant.