Aurora Magazine

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Nescafé goes for Chilled Latte

Published in Jul-Aug 2014

Nescafé Pakistan recently launched Chilled Latte to replace the Cold Coffee brand it launched in 2012.

According to Ali Shafiq, Brand Manager, Nescafé, “Research confirmed that the Pakistani consumer’s ideal cup of coffee is milky and smooth and the new Chilled Latte has been specially developed keeping these preferences in mind.” Available in a 200ml ready-to-drink Tetra Pak format, Chilled Latte is priced at Rs 40, and Shafiq says that while other Nestlé markets have similar products, “this recipe has been indigenously developed in Pakistan.” In what may be seen as a major shift in media approach by a FMCG product, the campaign is heavily focused on digital media rather than TV (it includes outdoor and in-store media in order to drive impulse purchase), because “young people are moving away from TV as a source of information,” says Shafiq. Although coffee is not nearly as popular as tea in Pakistan, consumption has increased significantly in the last five years, driven largely by coffee shops and Nescafé itself. Based on consumer feedback, Shafiq is confident the trend will continue to grow.