Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Dawlance recyles

Published in Mar-Apr 2015

Dawlance recently launched a recycling competition as part of an initiative called ‘Be Reliable – Recycle’.

Dawlance recently launched a recycling competition as part of an initiative called ‘Be Reliable – Recycle’. The objective is to educate children about the benefits of recycling and teach them various ways of recycling. The competition was conducted in six schools: City School, City Scholar, Falconhouse Grammar School, Mama Parsi Girls School, Pathways British School, and Smart School. Students were briefed on how to reduce waste and then given the task of using Dawlance cartons to construct something useful. Students made bookshelves, blackboards, tables and chairs among other items. The shortlisted items were displayed at DAWN newspaper’s All About Lifestyles exhibition, and visitors were given the chance to vote for the item they liked most. The winning top three items will be printed on Dawlance’s product cartons along with the name of the student who made them and that of their school.