Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Olper’s collaborates with Oreo

Published in Mar-Apr 2015

The co-branding initiative comes in the form of a special product box called ‘twist, lick and dunk kit’.

Olper’s recently collaborated with Oreo to launch a co-branding initiative in the form of a special product box called the ‘twist, lick and dunk kit’ available in selected outlets nationwide. The box contains 24 tikki Oreo packs, a small tumbler, and a 250ml packet of Olper’s milk. The tumbler is about the same size of a normal glass “so kids can pour Olper’s milk in it, dunk the cookies and enjoy them,” says Ali Rashid, Senior Brand Manager, Engro Foods. He adds that as the market leader, Olper’s wanted to explore new growth opportunities across different categories, and since Oreo’s brand proposition (twist, lick and dunk) is closely linked to milk, this was a natural co-branding opportunity. To promote the campaign, the brand opted to use digital and OOH.