Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Asma Nabeel joins Walter Pakistan

Published in Mar-Apr 2015

Asma Nabeel recently joined Walter Pakistan as Chief Creative Officer.

Asma Nabeel recently joined Walter Pakistan as Chief Creative Officer. With 15 years experience in advertising, Nabeel has worked at Manhattan Leo Burnett, IAL Saatchi & Saatchi and JWT Pakistan. Her most recent assignment was as Creative Director at Orientm McCann Erickson. As CCO, Nabeel is particularly excited about working on the Pepsi account because “although I have worked on banks, FMCGs and local brands, cola was the only product missing from my portfolio.” Nabeel believes that the challenge is greater because the role of the creative director has changed significantly from doing “only creative work to working as a holistic unit with client services in terms of interacting with the client.”