Talking Heads 2024 - Agency Heads
Aurora askedPakistan’s leadingadvertisingagencies to answerthree questions:
Here’s what the agency heads had to say:
1 Does AI enhance the creative process? Please explain why and/or why not.
2 Now that AI is seemingly capable of generating an entire process that goes from ideation and artwork to the campaign, how is the concept of originality being redefined?
3 The one AI innovation you are waiting for.
Syed Sajib Abbas
IAL Saatchi & Saatchi
1 AI enhances creativity inmundane tasks, broadens minds,and empowers a new generation ofcreatives to think more broadly.
2 Originality lies in human intuition,empathy, and contextualunderstanding. AI-generatedcontent requires curators, not justcreators, to inject soul intomachine-driven ideas.
3 An AI innovation thatunderstands acreative’s heart ratherthan just their brain.
Nazir Ahmed
Senior Manager & Print Head
ZC2 Pakistan
1 AI accelerates the creative process; but thecreative thought process of the humanbrain cannot be matched.
2 AI is capable of providing end-toend campaign solutions. We will,however, have to wait two to threeyears to see the actual results;only then can AI be judged fororiginality and trusted as acomplete solution provider.
3 It remains to be seen how AIproves itself
Shahnoor Ahmed
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
Spectrum Communications
1 AI speeds up brainstorming,whips out ideas oncommand, and gets the ballrolling fast. What is missing isthat real, human “aha!” moment.AI is useful, not magic.
2 When we mix in more AI,originality will be harder todefine. However, the originalitywill come from the people whosift through it, add the spark,and use their intuition.
3 An AI that integrates analytical depth with creative instincts,enabling adaptive, human-like storytelling capabilities that react toaudience feedback.
Nadeem Akbar
Chief Executive Officer
Midas Communications Pakistan
1 AI enhances creativity byproviding a supporting role,like automating repetitive tasks,providing insights, helping inresearch, and allowing creativeprofessionals to focus onstrategy and execution.
2 Originality will always comefrom human creativity;AI-generated campaigns riskbecoming monotonous. Originalityis the domain of the human mind,but collaboration with AI can help.
3 The ability to create new PinkFloyd music, capturing the band’s essence and emotional depth. Inadvertising, predicting audience sentiments would be a great help intailoring ideas.
Gulzar Ali
Managing Director
1 AI has broughtsignificant change inthe domain of creativeadvertising. It has thecapacity to producenonpareil copy, graphics,and videos. AI, along withhuman brainstorming,can generate innovativeadvertising, enhance thecreative process, andmake it more efficient.
2 Can AI create originalideas and conceptsthat resonate with human creativity? It has been established thatcreativity that combines both AI and humans can have the trueessence of originality.
3 An AI capable of generating innovative, engaging, and targetedadvertising content in collaboration with creative brains to produceoriginal ideas.
Mehreen Arjumand Almas
Executive Director
Golden Circle
1 Great advertising is a byproduct ofinsights powered by data mining.Traditional methods of developingcreative executions lack scalabilityand involve human bias. AI isnot an industry fad; it is thepowerhouse driving the future.It delivers speed, precision,and unmatched scale, predictingeffectiveness, allowing fortweaks, and ensuring maximumROI. Creativity will becomepersonalised, eye-catching, andmore likely to win conversion.
2 Originality is a romanticisedideal rather than a reality. AI rejigs existing knowledge rather thanperceiving or developing profound sentiment. As of now, the birthof ideas rich in passion and contextual understanding remains ahominoid domain.
3 An AI that can bring end-to-end automation of entire operations.Algorithms will make decisions on how to manage inventory orrespond to customer inquiries with minimal human intervention, leadingto greater efficiency and the ability to react more quickly to changingcustomer habits or market conditions.
Ammar Anwer
General Manager
Blitz Advertising
1 AI enhances creativity byaccelerating ideation andpattern recognition, aidingexploratory processes.Imaginative creativity, rich withhuman emotion and context,remains uniquely human andirreplaceable.
2 Unlike AI, which mightproduce similar outcomesfrom the same prompts,humans, despite working within defined boundaries, bring diverse ideasand executions. Original creation is a myth. True originality is divine,rooted in God’s work. Humans have always created from inspiration, andguess who created AI?
3 An AI that can handle my day so I can take that annual leave withoutworrying about who is going to cover me.
Fareshteh Aslam
Chief Executive Officer
Talking Point
1 AI enhances the speedaspect, not so much thecreative process. That willalways be enhanced byhuman interaction, especiallyif it is a locally skewed topic.
2 AI is about what you putin. Long ago, we learnedabout GIGO; Garbage In,Garbage Out. It’s the sametoday. If you don’t feed thecorrect words into ChatGPT,you will struggle. Soultimately, it’s the human thathas to be smart enough toextract the best out of the AI that’s vastly available.
3 N/A
Danish Sohail Aziz
Head, Business Development
Message Communications
1 AI enhances the creativeprocess by automatingrepetitive tasks, allowingcreatives to focus on ideationand innovation, boostingefficiency without compromisingon originality.
2 Originality is evolvingfrom individual creativityto collaborative processesbetween humans and AI, where the fusion of machine-generatedcontent and human insight fosters new forms of creativity.
3 An AI tool that understands human emotions and generatescontent that resonates emotionally, making creative campaignsmore impactful.
Mirza Ovais Hassan Ali Baig
Chief Operating Officer
Marksman Advertising
1 AI enhances the creative processby offering new ideas and datadriven insights, helping creatorsovercome mental blocks, focus onkey areas, and provide better work.
2 AI can automate the entireprocess, but refining it for localmarkets and audiences is crucial.Creative approaches and insightsare still needed to guide AI andrefine its outputs.
3 AI that automates influencermarketing by identifying topcreators, predicting engagement,and generating personalised content, ultimately fostering authenticbrand connections and streamlining the marketing process efficiently.
Latif Amin Bawany
Executive Director
Blaze Group
1 Only if we realise AI’s true potentialand usage. It is a tool that adds valueto humanly generated concepts,providing inspiration,generating ideas, and helpingproblem-solving.
2 AI challenges the norms.The ideas generated byAI stem from the promptswritten and thought byhumans. The direction isalways human-led.
3 AI-powered dynamicoutdoor media that canadapt content in real-time based on factors like the weather, traffic andcurrent events, ensuring maximum relevance and engagement.
Amna Dadi
East River International Division
1 AI has transformed myjob from a solo pursuit toconstant negotiation with anincreasingly assertive andopinionated digital collaborator.
2 AI struggles to grasp thenuances of human emotionand the spark of originalthought that ignites innovation.
3 AI becomes a visionary co-creator, capable of solutionsthat not only defy humanimagination but can translatemy imagination in one go.
Hasan Daudpota
Founder & Owner
Keys Production & PR
1 AI collects pre-existinginformation andparaphrases it. It lacksthe creative processessential to innovation. Iteffectively presents ideas ina professional format andenhances visual aesthetics.
2 AI bridges imaginationand reality, enhancingcollaborative designby enabling creators tocommunicate their visionclearly. It empowers sharedcreativity, making ideas moreaccessible and impactful.
3 A tool that gauges audience creativity, develops independentcampaigns, calculates ROI, and strengthens connections withaudiences and clients, ensuring data-driven marketing strategies.
Aleem Durrani
Founder & Chief Executive Officer
1 AI offers rapidideation, providing adiversity of perspectivesand bolstering efficiency.Creators can then focuson refining their vision.
2 AI challengesoriginality, but thosewho actively use itknow that it is limited toremixing, refining, andcurating as opposedto genuine invention. Ihave yet to come across AI that has accomplished original thought.
3 An AI that can understand human emotions and context.
Natasha Durrani
Media Matters Communications
1 AI can assist in repetitivetasks, but creativity stemsfrom human emotion, intuition,and cultural understanding.It enhances efficiency, butcreativity remains a uniquelyhuman skill.
2 Originality blends humaninsight with AI’s efficiency.While AI generates ideas,human creativity adds depth,cultural context, and emotionalconnections.
3 An AI that localises content, capturing cultural nuances and linguisticsubtleties, ensuring that brands can connect with diverse audiencesacross regions.
Raza Faisal
Chief Executive Officer
Team Reactive
1 Used smartly, AI can save time andhelp with visualisation. AI improvesproductivity by generating visuals onceimpossible to see unless sketched. Itgives added creative muscle to imaginethe unimaginable. If used consistently,machine learning can adapt toindividual preferences, creativenuances, brand requirements,and personas.
2 AI can aid originality.Creatives can now puttheir thoughts into words andgenerate concepts that are inherently their own as opposed to finding‘the closest match or reference.’ Prompting will become an art. This issubjective and dependent on the context in which AI is used.
3 AI-powered task management systems to improve agency supplychain systems and reduce burnout.
Shaheryar Ghayas
Founder & CCO
Madnest and CCO, RevX
1 AI offers a vast reservoir ofcreative minds across time anddisciplines, exponentially elevatingthe creative process.
2 True originality stems fromhuman emotion, risk, andconnection. AI can mimicstorytelling and nuance, butit doesn’t experience lifeas we do. Creativity’s soulremains human-driven anddeeply insightful.
3 Seamless brain-computer interfaces integrating AI with human minds– like Neo downloading knowledge in the Matrix, enhancing cognitionand creating a new breed of intelligence.
Syed Amir Haleem
Chief Executive Officer
Skale Interactive
1 AI enhances creativityby automating repetitivetasks and generating ideasquickly. My team uses AI tofind new ways to express theirvisualisation, find inspirationfor ideation, and explorecreative possibilities.
2 AI is a great illustrationtool. It is driven by theprompt. The essence oforiginality of human thoughtis still preserved in howthe idea is expressed inthe prompt. The same AI tool can produce useless creative visualsdepending on the prompt.
3 Analyse online data to predict consumer behaviour with an insanelevel of accuracy.
Faraz Maqsood Hamidi
Founder & CCO
The D’Hamidi Partnership
1 Just as search engines deepenedinsights and Photoshop replacedX-acto knives, AI acceleratesprototyping and idea generation,enabling creatives to streamlineworkflows and bring conceptsto life.
2 Originality shifts fromcreation to curation, definedby how creatives filter, refine,and infuse their brand-ledinsights into AI-generatedoutputs, blending humancreativity with machine-drivenmeta-versatility.
3 A tool that compels marketers to provide actionable feedback –because, ultimately, our intelligence is not ‘artificial’.
Syed Jawaid Iqbal
President & Chief Executive Officer
1 AI enhances the creativeprocess by providing ideas,speeding up workflows, andassisting with tasks like researchor content creation, allowingcreatives to focus on executinginnovative concepts.
2 AI redefines originality bymerging human creativity withalgorithmic capabilities, producingdata-driven results that challengetraditional notions of originalthought. It helps the creativeprocess by offering a fresh approach to ideation and execution.
3 Advanced real-time campaign optimisation, where AI continuouslyadjusts campaigns based on performance insights, enhancingeffectiveness throughout the campaign lifecycle.
Seema Jaffer
Chief Executive Officer
Bond Advertising
1 AI allows creators topush boundaries. AI is anessential collaborator in art,music, and communication.The technical prowess thatAI brings opens doors toendless possibilities.
2 Human emotions, thehuman experience,and human empathy areirreplaceable. Dependingsolely on AI will stuntthe limits of what humanimagination can achieve.
3 When AI stops mimickingthe biases in the real world and helps solve issues related to poverty,injustice, climate crisis, and builds a more equitable and peaceful world.
Khurram Jaffrani
Chief Executive Officer
Adpulse E IMC
1 AI boosts creativity byautomating tasks, analysingdata, and suggesting newideas, liberating humansto focus on high-levelthinking and innovativeproblem solving.
2 Originality combineshuman insight, emotion,and experience with AI’sspeed, scalability, andprecision, redefining what itmeans to be creative.
3 AI innovations that understand human emotions, values, and context,enabling more empathetic, personalised, and culturally relevantcontent creation and storytelling.
Omar Jamil
Chief Executive Officer
Latitude CRS
1 AI is as effective as the personwielding it. AI can enhance thecreative process by supportingthe creator. Depending on theformat, this can be as simpleas giving ideas to help thebrainstorming process or asadvanced as creating entirecontent based on a prompt. Whilethe former serves to enhance thecreative process, the latter limits itby putting too much dependencyon the AI.
2 AI cannot create originalcontent without a prompt or input from a human operator. That said,in time AI will become capable of creating entirely original work; oncethis happens, then we will need to redefine the concept of originality.
3 An AI that can take over my job.
Ahmed Kapadia
Chairman & CEO
Synergy Group
1 AI only enhances the creativeprocess when employed as a toolto augment human imagination.It streamlines execution, butcreativity only thrives whenthis technology complementsoriginal human insight anddirection. We work the tools,not the other way round.
2 AI can automateprocesses from ideationto execution. However,originality relies on humaningenuity. AI lacks theability to generate culturallyrelevant concepts born ofhuman experiences. It has the ability to think, not to feel.
3 An AI that can personalise advertising campaigns on an emotionallevel, with the ability to ‘feel’ the idea – not just generate ideas basedon datasets it has been fed.
Umair Kazi
1 If creativity is definedas the convergence ofmultiple ideas, yes. AI cancreate these combinationson scale. The hard partis curation.
2 Just because it hasbeen thought of doesnot mean it has beendone. Originality will stillexist in executions. Theonus will be on brands to greenlight originality faster.
3 An AI that can ‘collect’ fragments across the internet in order to havea detailed understanding of campaigns executed and can point outspecifics of what worked versus what didn’t.
Adeeba Mahmood Khan
Manhattan Communications
1 By taking on the mechanicalfunction of analysing data,serving as a brainstorming partnerto a technical assistant, freeingthe creator’s time to focus on theimaginative aspects.
2 AI’s originality is restricted givenits nature of re-mixing materialsfrom existing data patterns. Thisredefines the creative process byleveraging insightful prompts tocombine human intuition with machine-generated content.
3 ‘Contextual understanding’ that grasps nuances, emotion, andcultural context, giving AI the ability to ‘think creatively’ beyond patternrecognition and data analysis.
Azam Jalal Khan
Co-Founder & CEO
Digitz Group
1 We are experiencing a lift inour creative process fromthought starters to final designexecution with AI. There hasbeen an increase in efficiencyand output.
2 Although human creativity isnot matched by AI yet, it isredefining originality by enablingcreative thinking to go beyondconventional boundaries.
3 It is already here. To build andprogramme better tech andsoftware products that continue toimprove on the base.
Fawad Khan
Co-Founder & COO
1 AI supports but does notenhance creativity. Thecreative process demandshuman intuition, emotionalresonance, and originality.AI can assist, but thehuman elements are stillirreplaceable.
2 Originality is defined byhow well humans guide AItools. Originality comes fromhuman insight, perspective,and the ability to emotionallyconnect with audiences.
3 An AI that understandsand integrates human emotional depth, enabling collaborationwhereby machines grasp nuance, empathy, and context to co-createwith human imagination.
Hassan Reyaz Khan
Echo Digital
1 Enhances the creative processby accelerating workflow andreducing time to output. Itoptimises efficiency whenused intelligently.
2 Originality is a blend ofinspirations. While AI cangenerate content, creativityrequires human input. AIdepends on prompts,and human interventionremains essential.
3 AI-powered robots thatcan clean and restorethe environment, helping make the world a healthier place.
Saher A. Khan
Ruth & Alison, Pakistan
1 AI enriches the creative journey byexpanding ideation and refiningexecution. True creativity ishuman-led, with AI enhancingit. To illustrate my point, Iasked AI to answer one ofthese questions. Can youidentify which one?
2 Originality emerges fromthe synergy createdwhen human intuitionmeets AI’s precision. It isa redefined ‘new,’ whereideas fuse with AI’s adaptive, solution-driven capabilities.
3 An AI that has brand identity at its core. Evolving ideas like astrategist, integrating more than data but the nuanced essence ofwhat a brand represents.
Aamir Khwaja
MullenLowe Rauf
1 AI enhances efficiency byproviding the tools to create andbring ideas to life. AI also takesaway the essential emotional andhuman connection to the assetsthat we create.
2 So far, human thinking issuperseding AI execution whenit comes to originality. AI makesit easier to articulate an idea; itdoesn’t have the ability to come upwith something new.
3 Demystifying the ever-complextarget groups or providing specific insights from specific markets.
Emen Iftikhar Kiani
1 AI enhances the creative processby offering diverse perspectives.Automation allows creatives to focuson refining ideas. Human intuitionremains essential for authenticityand emotion.
2 Originality means mixing AIefficiency with human creativity,where newness comes fromcombining ideas in unique waysrather than creating something entirely from scratch.
3AI that can predict trends more accurately and help creatives stayahead in terms of emerging ideas and styles, while still leaving roomfor unique, human-driven inspiration.
Mohammed Zubair Mallick
Managing Director
Lotus Client Management & PR
1 AI has changed thecreative landscape andintroduced new challenges.While it can generate ideasand assist in tasks likecontent creation, it lacksthe depth of understandingand emotional connectionhumans bring to creativework. Because it is so easy to use AI to generate ideas, it has madecommunicators complacent when it comes to strategic thinkingand writing. AI can be valuable when used strategically. It can helpbrainstorm ideas, analyse data, and identify trends. It is crucial tomaintain a human touch throughout the process to resonatewith audiences.
2 Originality has evolved, taking on new meaning with each generationand every technological advancement. While AI can generate uniqueideation and content, it lacks the authentic storytelling that resonateswith people.
3 Tools that can intuitively interpret cultural nuances and emotional contexts.
Zameer Qureshi
Group CEO
Nativ Global
1 AI accelerates the digitalecosystem by generatinginnovative ideas and providingdata-driven insights, enablingcreatives to dedicate moretime to concept development.
2 The new normal hasbecome a fusion ofhuman ingenuity andAI-generated ideas. Thiscollaborative creativityis pioneering inventivestrategies and radicalinnovations previously unimagined.
3 Voice-activated consumer shopping, enabling product searches,personalised recommendations, and streamlined transactionsthrough voice commands.
Shoaib Qureshy
Managing Director
Bullseye DDB
1 AI is as good as theperson using it, as it ishuman input dependent.It enhances the creativeprocess by adding creativevalue and saving time.
2 Your mindset matters. AIis your creative assistant.You can create whateveryou imagine, inspire, andinfluence AI.
3 AI bringing more humanity, justice, and peace to this world.
Shahnaz Ramzi
Starlinks PR
1 AI enhances the creativeprocess by automatingmundane tasks, analysingdata, and generating ideas.But human intuition, localcontext, and emotionalintelligence are essentialfor innovative and relevantstorytelling. AI generatesgreat options, but I don’t thinkit can deliver a compellingstory without any creativehuman input.
2 Originality is walking a tightrope, as it balances AI-driven efficiencyand ideation with human creativity. Although AI-generated ideascannot be termed original, when fused with human judgment andemotional connection, one can come up with an authentic, winningproduct. The concept of originality is being redefined, making it morecollaborative and hybrid.
3 An AI-powered data compilation of all PR work done for clients.Would save so much time and be much more efficient than ourcurrent system of compilation.
Sabene Saigol
Chief Executive Officer
1 We are on the fence.Although AI streamlinesrepetitive tasks, freeing uptime, it can compromise thedepth and authenticity ofthe final creative output.
2 AI can assist, butoriginality is challenged.It often repurposes ideas,lacking the empathy andstorytelling unique tohuman creativity.
3 An AI tool thatcrafts clear, data-driven briefs capturingperformance metrics, and pinpointing challenges for moretargeted, impactful strategies.
Humera Saleem
Chief Executive Officer
Zebra Issue
1 If I can get ChatGPT to conductresearch, proofread, and refine myproposals, I have more time to focuson thinking about incubating work.I now have an assistant who getsme, is trainable, and delivers ontime, so I can focus on what Ido best.
2 AI is democratising thebusiness and allowinganyone to create, with orwithout the designation,the Mac, and the suites.This will lead to theunearthing of untapped talent in organisations.
3 Do my laundry, clean my house, and fuel my car.
Khalid Saleem
Chief Executive Officer
RG Blue Communications
1 AI enhances the creative processby offering innovative ideas,streamlining workflows, and providingdata-driven insights, allowingcreators to focus on concepts andrefine their vision.
2 AI-generated contentenhances creativity, but it stillrequires team brainstormingthat combines humanintuition with machineassistance to produce results.
3 An AI innovation that cananalyse cultural trends and predict future creative directions, empoweringmarketers with data-driven insights to stay ahead of the curve.
Naveed Seraj
Founder & CCO
Viral Edge
1 AI enhances creativityby offering foresight intooutcomes, allowing creators tovisualise and refine storyboards– transforming imaginativeideas into brand-aligned results.
2 AI’s role in generating ideas,artwork, and campaignsredefines originality asa collaborative process.Rather than replacing humancreativity, AI becomes a cocreator, drawing from vastdata to inspire new ideas and enhance creative executions. Originalitymeans blending AI’s adaptive insights with human vision, intuition,and emotional intelligence to produce outcomes that are influencedby technology yet deeply human. The synergy between AI and humancreativity fosters innovation.
3 An AI that enables high-quality video execution.
Abdul Qadir Shah
Chief Executive Officer
Connect Marketing Communications
1 AI is useful to begin with, but itdepends on how far we want togo with it. It can hinder the creativeprocess if we solely depend on it.
2 AI can provide a framework, butcreative ideas, expressions, anddifferentiation created within theframework is what makes it original.
3 We can work on many things,including research and coming upwith extraordinary solutions.
Fizza Shah
Grey Pakistan
1 Creativity is a process, and wehave been using multiple toolsand methods to assist in thisprocess. AI is one of those tools,one that enables creatives tojumpstart the process – offeringthem ideas they can build on.
2 I don’t think AI challengesoriginality. AI blends humanideas with machine-generatedcontent, which leads to improvedoriginal ideas.
3 AI innovations that improve emotional intelligence, allowing machines to better understand and respond to human emotions.
Sajid Shamim
Repcom Advertising
1 AI enhances creativity bygenerating ideas, saving time,offering data-driven insights, andenabling personalisation. It acts as acollaborative tool, pushing creatorsto explore new paths. Over-reliancecan lead to formulaic outputs, andAI lacks the emotional depthand originality inherent tohuman-driven creativity.Balance is essential.
2 AI’s role from ideationto execution blurstraditional notions of originality as it generates content based on patterns,data, and algorithms. Originality is being redefined as a blend of humancreativity and AI-assisted innovation, where unique ideas emerge fromcollaborations between machine-driven insights and human interpretation.
3 An AI innovation that is intuitive, emotionally intelligent, and blendscomplex human emotions, offering empathy and creativity, whilemaintaining originality, cultural sensitivity, and artistic integrity acrossdifferent media.
Zohare Ali Shariff
Chief Executive Officer
Asiatic Public Relations
1 AI enhances the creativeprocess by providing datadriven insights and improvingefficiency. True creativity mustbe based on original thought,and not the thoughts of othersreprocessed by AI.
2 AI’s capabilities may greatlyimprove ideation andefficiency, but AI-generatedprocesses can be repetitiveand generic. Originality stillrequires human emotional intelligence and storytelling.
3 The ultimate personal executive secretary. One with knowledge ofeverything, the ability to imitate human intelligence, and possessed ofexcellent communication and problem-solving skills.
Asim Khan Sikandar
Sr Executive Director
1 AI enhances the creativeprocess. Creativity is a productof a multitude of observations,experiences, and insights. AIcurates data from countlesssources to come up with variationsof something already done before.This is creativity, even if inspiredby secondary sources. What AIdoes even better is support thecreative process by getting rid ofthe repetitive tasks involved in the creative process.
2 Human invention is a step-by-step process where one step cannothappen before the preceding logical one. There could not be bulbs withoutfirst having electricity. AI has a lot of ground to cover in terms of humanemotion, and human creativity will have an edge over AI for the foreseeablefuture, just like handicrafts have an edge over machine-made things.
3 Where human consciousness can be transferred into indestructibledata and transported across the universe to new planets, wherethe same consciousness can be turned again into human form toexperience undiscovered worlds.
Atiya Zaidi
BBDO Pakistan
1 Abstract ideas can live and breatheoutside a creative’s mind. Ridiculouscreativity is now possible, which wasa dream before. You don’t need towaste time thinking of mundanetasks and finally have the time fordeep thinking, which every creativeseldom had before AI.
2 AI can curate, not create.But it is a great way to getthe first thoughts out of theway. As we know, thosefirst thoughts are mostlywrong and done before.AI is a good test to seewhere the distinction cancome in the first step of the creative process and not the final product. Edit,prune, and perfect after AI has done its work.
3 Teach us better ways of handling humans.