Published 27 Jan, 2025 10:16am

Hits and Misses 2024

Easypaisa – Audio Nikahnama

The Easypaisa ‘Audio Nikahnama’ campaign is a ground-breaking initiative that addresses a long-standing issue faced by millions of women in Pakistan – the lack of access to, and understanding of, their marriage contract. In a country where two-thirds of women cannot access their nikahnama due to literacy challenges, Easypaisa has provided a brilliant solution. By launching an audio nikahnama in six languages, including sign language, Easypaisa ensured that women across diverse communities can now fully grasp their rights in marriage by breaking down barriers of illiteracy. This innovative approach not only raises awareness, it empowers women by facilitating informed decision-making about their lives and marriage. It is a powerful tool for change, fostering equality and protecting women’s rights in a society where these issues are overlooked.
Agency: BBDO Pakistan/Impact BBDO
Verdict: Hit. The Easypaisa ‘Audio Nikahnama’ campaign is a game-changer for female empowerment, making sure that no woman is left in the dark about her rights.

Cadbury Dairy Milk – Back Her Dream

Cadbury does it again. Continuing on its initiative to support women’s cricket, Cadbury has launched a new campaign: ‘Back Her Dream’. This campaign supports budding cricketing talent among young women by the people in their lives. The campaign beautifully showcases the mothers, fathers, grandmothers, brothers and countless more who stand by young women to help them achieve their dreams.
Agency: Ogilvy Pakistan
Verdict: Hit. It takes a village.

Mobilink Microfinance Bank – The Invisible Heirs

I guess I am a sucker for brands and campaigns that stand up for women’s rights and get it right. In Pakistan, approximately 97% of women are deprived of their rightful inheritance, making them invisible. Mobilink Microfinance Bank developed and launched the Dost app, a calculator that allows women to calculate their inheritance, thereby empowering them to claim what is rightfully theirs.
Agency: RevX
Verdict: Hit. Empowering women through tech.

Suzuki – Swift Two Tone

Can we please break out of the woman and car fantasy? This ad delivered nothing. A hip-hop Hania Aamir and a two-tone Swift combined with poorly executed production and a clichéd soundtrack.
Agency: RG Blue
Verdict: Miss. Cringe-worthy.

Mostbet – Mostbet x Mathira

A betting site doing the rounds on OOH recently caught my attention and took me by surprise. I thought that betting sites were illegal. The tagline ‘Masti Aur Jeet Ki Guarantee!’ and the provocative placement of the logo on Mathira’s b**bs feed into the s*x sells category. Inappropriate at so many levels.
Agency: N/A
Verdict: Miss by a long shot.

Kenwood eEco Ultra Air Conditioner – Very Smart

Kenwood has managed to change the way home appliances are advertised. Their latest campaign, starring Kubra Khan and Tabish Hashmi, continues to draw on the insights that typify married couples. The ad makes for nuanced and entertaining storytelling whilst keeping the product an intrinsic part of the story.
Agency: Arey Wah
Verdict: Hit. Storytelling that defines the brand.

Seema Jaffer is CEO, Bond

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