Published 16 Aug, 2023 02:57pm

I’m Instain’ It

To try and write about thechanging lifestyle choicesamong Gen Zers wouldtake a full volume tocapture. However, narrowing itdown to their food preferencesmay be worth the attempt withinthe limits of this article’s wordcount. Let’s begin with the factthat in terms of age, Gen Zranges between nine and 24. Asto why the food preferences ofthis generation have changed,it is important to understandthat whereas Millennials grewup while adopting and adaptingto the rapid changes in digitaltechnology, Gen Z were bornwith technology at their fingertipsand have never experienced anylimits to the information they canaccess. Furthermore, whereasMillennials always lived with onefoot in the physical world, GenZ’s life experiences are definedby what is happening online.As a result, many of the routineand mundane tasks that usedto be functional for previousgenerations have becomeexperiences for Gen Z. Food isone of them.

Food used to be a means toan end. A way to acquire thesustenance and energy weneed to live a meaningful life.However, it is also a fact thatfood has multiple emotionalbenefits. It is a way of winninghearts, changing minds andfacilitating conversations. ForGen Z, the emotional aspect isvery important and they haveelevated culinary experiences toa form of lifestyle. Young peopletoday do not just use food tofunction; for them, food has to beexperienced, enjoyed, analysedand critically assessed.

Multiple research papershave proved that peerrecommendations are a strongerinfluence on this generationcompared to any previous one– and this applies to food too.Recommending what to eat andwhere to eat it has become thesocial currency of these times anda tool to gain popularity. You arenot cool if you haven’t been to thelatest ‘in’ place to eat. Gone arethe days when the roadside halwapuri tasted better than anythingelse, and when the company andthe conversation filled any gapsin flavours and ambience. Foodand the appreciation of its taste,quality and experience are keywith this new generation – and thereason why culinary adventureshold such a central position intheir lives.

A typical weekend kicksoff with a message on aWhatsapp group. The mostactive member of the groupreplies in the affirmative first,then others join in, the personknown to eat out the most iscalled upon to advise whereto go (suggesting an alreadyvisited place is a cardinal sin)and after much debate, a timeand place is set.

The appointed time arrives,the friends gather and after themandatory Instagram check-ins are done and the food isordered, gossip and conversationensues. Then suddenly, like atwist in the tale, everyone fallssilent. The food has arrived! Oneby one, the dishes are served,phones are taken out and a shortphotography session ensues,enhancing the delectabilitytenfold. The food is enjoyed andthe event ends with a groupselfie. Or does it?

Later the same day, multiplereviews on Instagram follow oneanother, each one better wordedand hashtagged than the last one.A straightforward eating-out planonly concludes when it is etchedforever in the annals of the internet.

This process of chartingmemories on our Instagramfeeds started with theMillennials, mostly motivatedby the dopamine hit that camewith the validation accrued fromthe engagement that followson other people’s personalaccounts. What has changedis the fact that the indigenousrelationship Gen Z have withthe digital landscape has turnedthem into social media creatorsrather than consumers. It isthis creative quotient and theneed for peer reviews that hasled to the dramatic rise in ‘foodblogging’ in Pakistan.

What started with FoodFusion and high-quality contentpieces have now given way toorganic blogging styles such asIrfan Junejo, GirlGottaEat andMystapaki, among many otherfood bloggers.

In this emerging niche, everycreator has his or her ownarea of expertise. Some coverstreet food and desi cuisine ina desi tonality with 10-secondvideos covering the mouth-watering dishes found on thestreets of Pakistan. Others takea more sophisticated approachand critically review the morerefined options availableproviding a thorough reviewof prices, menu items andfacilities. Food bloggers are soprevalent now that any culinarydecision can be thoroughlyresearched and evaluated.

The impact of the heightenedattention to the culinary artsand the impulse to amplifyevery experience is so strongthat hardly any food vendorin Pakistan is oblivious tothe impact one bad reviewor unappetising picture canhave on their business. Thisrelentless digital scrutinyhas led to both fear andopportunity. Our local cuisinehas had to be reinvented toprovide superior quality andgreater innovation as well asa constant influx of new andexciting options. This has led to a multitude of local foodentrepreneurs breaking into thescene with innovative diningoptions, from Cloud Nan’smenu of naan filled options tovariations of local favouritessuch as nihari and barbecue. Ifanything, this has reinvigoratedour local restaurant brands andforced them into much-neededinnovation, compared to the early2000s when global fast foodchains dominated the market.

Along with a renaissance inour local cuisine, Gen Z hashad a significant impact onglobal culinary food trends, astheir awareness and exposureincreases. Gone are thedays of generic ‘Chinese’ or‘Continental’ restaurants. Today,it is about being ‘authentic’Italian, Thai, Turkish, Lebanese,Japanese – you name it. Entiremenus are curated to providepatrons with the flavours ofanother country, and for thisgroup of restaurateurs, offeringmultiple styles is a cardinalsin. Gen Z demand a specialistexperience in everythingthey do. The result is thatyoung chefs are receivingprofessional training abroad inorder to provide their patronswith bespoke and exclusiveexperiences.

To conclude, the relationshipthat has emerged betweenfood, the food industry andGen Z is unique. It is muchmore intimate and demanding.It has led to a higher level ofculinary appreciation and digitaladvocacy. It has also led to moreinnovation, the introduction ofglobal flavours and boutiquedining experiences. The riseof food blogging is the visiblehandle that guides this importantnew audience to their next foodexperience, an interplay that hasled to the overall improvement ofthe food industry.Bon appétit everyone!

Muhammad Bin Husain isMarketing Manager – Skin Care,Unilever Pakistan.For feedback:

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