Published 21 Jan, 2021 05:35pm

Inspiration: A Dream Come True!

Can you recall the last time you had a dream? It was probably last night or the night before? Dreams are like a treat to a ‘movie night’ as you close your eyes and give in to the day’s exhaustion. Statistics indicate that during our lifetime, we can spend about six years dreaming. Why not let your dreams to inspire you?

I have had the most unusual dreams and I have penned them down in a diary; interesting plots and possibilities that would not have crossed my mind on an average ‘woke’ day. Sure, at times, those plotlines have horrified me, left me hexed and perplexed, but at others they have inspired and given me a better perspective on crafting a story.

Once I was stuck on a campaign for a coffee café chain. I kept contemplating possibilities which would satisfy both the client’s brief and my need for creative expression. Alas, I sat at the café, ordered their coffee and sipped it while seeking inspiration. The coffee was finished, the clock ticked on and… nothing. In the end I did what most creatives do; I went to sleep, hoping for better luck tomorrow.

Call it coincidence or luck, but as I slept that night, I dreamt of executing the campaign in a certain way. Maybe I had been overthinking it during my waking hours, so I ended up dreaming about it. The next day, I did not replicate my dream 100%, but I took inspiration from it and it helped me craft a wonderful campaign that to my surprise was approved by the client! Dream it possible!

As most of us forget our dreams almost immediately after waking up, why not keep a ‘dream journal’ next to your bedside, so that when you wake up, you can immediately pen down your dream before it escapes your mind.

I am yet to show work which I can solely credit as being inspired by a dream. I hope it will happen someday in the future.

J. Dawood is a marketing professional.

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