Aurora Magazine

Promoting excellence in advertising

Sara Amjad Qureshi

Inching beyond the stereotype

Inching beyond the stereotype

Pakistani brands need to summon the courage to talk to women as people and not just 'housewives'. Updated 10 Jul, 2017 10:40am
Strategising for digital

Strategising for digital

What agencies must do to slip seamlessly, yet effectively, into the digital space. Updated 05 Jul, 2017 02:18pm
The conundrum of fairness

The conundrum of fairness

Nothing is as singularly valuable as a pale complexion: it eclipses grave flaws and enhances modest virtues. Updated 30 Jan, 2017 01:46pm
Shopping – Then and now

Shopping – Then and now

Despite the unlimited choices, space and the convenience, shopping today comes off as frenzied, cold and impersonal. Updated 10 May, 2017 10:04am
Endorsing decency?

Endorsing decency?

How Hamza Abbasi is a brand unto himself of late, yet less for his profession and more for his social media soapboxing. Updated 07 Sep, 2015 03:17pm
Poetry or vulgarity?

Poetry or vulgarity?

Is the trend of using crass language in advertising a smart move? Updated 06 Jul, 2015 01:00pm
Absurd dee-lites!

Absurd dee-lites!

The success factors behind KitKat Telcum Powder, Butt Murgh Channay and other similar 'delightful' ads. Published 29 Jun, 2015 01:49pm
The tiniest of starts

The tiniest of starts

Five ways in which higher educational institutions are changing their approach to their mission. Updated 28 Sep, 2015 03:26pm
The big sleep

The big sleep

Sinuous limbs, flowing hair, bright colours – this year's lawn campaigns offer nothing unique or refreshing. Updated 05 Jun, 2015 12:29pm

The thought that counts

It takes much more than a fresh thought to create a real big idea. It’s what that thought leads to, that counts. Updated 06 Apr, 2015 02:44pm